tcpdump filter expressions
tcpdump host barney
Will capture and display traffic sent from or delivered to the system called barney. This command examines both the source and destination address fields of the IP header.
tcpdump host not barney
Will capture and display traffic from all hosts on the network, except the system called barney.
tcpdump arp
Will capture and display all Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) packets. This includes both requests and replies
tcpdump host durer and tcp
Will capture and display all Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) packets from/tothe host durer
tcpdump host vectra and port 23
Will capture and display all packets using port 23 from or to host vectra. Thisamounts to inspecting all telnet packets going between this system and others on the network. Recall that port 23 is the port number conventionally used by telnet
tcpdump ether multicast
Will capture and display multicast packets. See next command for alternative
tcpdump 'ip[16]>=224'
Will capture and display all packets that use the multicast address. This command compares the
seventeenth byte (which is the first octet of the destination address) of the IP packet to the
value 224. This is the prefix for the standard multicast address of which means all hosts within the default multicast group
tcpdump 'ip[2:2]>512'
Will capture and display all IP packets that are larger than 512 bytes. The sequence ip[2:2] identifies the third and fouth bytes of the IP header (i.e., the length-of-packet field) and compares this value of 512. The 2: indicates the offset within the IP packet ("skip first 2 bytes" or "third byte") while the remaining 2 is the number of bytes referred to.