B A S H C H E A T S H E E T to page output forward (only): command filename | more to page output forward & back: command filename | less to print a dataset: lp datasetname (-d printerid) (-o landscape) USE OF QUOTATION MARKS echo "$varname" = echo The value of \$varname is \"$varname\" = echo "The value of \$varname is \"$varname\"." $fred='Four spaces between these words.' echo $fred yields Four spaces between these words. echo "$fred" yields Four spaces between these words. SPECIAL CHARACTERS ~ home directory # comment $ variable expression & background job ; shell command separator / pathname directory separator \ quote (escape) next character | pipe * string wildcard ? single-character wildcard ( start subshell ) end subshell [ start character-set wildcard ] end character-set wildcard { start command block } end command block ' strong quote (prevents subs) " weak quote (allows subs) < input redirect > output redirect ! logical NOT || logical OR && logical AND \ Return continue on next line . (dot builtin: execute) : (null builtin: returns true) << here document >> append output FILE ATTRIBUTE OPERATORS -e file exists example: if [ ! -e filename ]; then echo "filename does not exist" else .... fi -d file exists and is a directory -f file exists and is a normal file -r user has read permission for the file -s file exists and is not empty -w user has write permission for the file -x user has execution permission for a normal file, or user has search permission for a directory -O user owns the file -G user's group id has access to the file -nt newer than (modification date-time of file -ot older than for file-to-file comparison) ARITHMETIC ASSIGNMENT let x=1+4 value of $x is 5 ='1 + 4' 5 ='(2+3) * 5' 25 ='2 + 3 * 5' 17 ='17 / 3' 5 ='17 % 3' 2 bitwise: ='1<<4' 16 00001 -> 10000 ='48>>3' 6 110000 -> 000110 ='17 & 3' 1 10001 & 11 -> 00001 ='17 | 3' 19 10001 | 11 -> 10011 ='17 ^ 3' 18 10001 ^ 11 -> 10010 I/O REDIRECTORS cmd1 | cmd2 use stdout of cmd1 as stdin for cmd2 > file save stdout to file < file use file as stdin >> file append stdout to file (create file if nonexistent) >| file force stdout to file (even if noclobber is set) n>| file force stdout to file from descriptor n (even...) <> file use file as both stdin and stdout (process in place) n<> file use as both stdin and stdout for file descriptor n << label use here-document (within scripts specifies batch input) n> file direct file descriptor n to file n< file take file descriptor n from file n>> file append descriptor n to file (or create file for n) n>& duplicate stdout to file descriptor n n<& duplicate stdin from file descriptor n n>&m make file descriptor n a copy of the stdout fd n<&m make file descriptor n a copy of the stdin fd >&file send stdout and stderror to file <&- close stdin >&- close stdout n<&- close input from file descriptor n n>&- close output from file descriptor n STRING COMPARISON OPERATORS INTEGER COMPARISON OPERATORS (truth = 0) (truth = 1) = matches -lt less than != does not match -le less than or equal < less than -eq equal > greater than -ge greater than or equal -n not null (length > 0) -gt greater than -z null (length = 0) -ne not equal ARITHMETIC OPERATORS RELATIONAL OPERATORS + addition < less than - subtraction > greater than * multiplication <= less than or equal to / division (w/ truncation) >= greater than or equal to % remainder == equal to << bit-shift left != not equal to >> bit-shift right && logical and & bit-wise and || logical or | bit-wise or ~ bit-wise not ! bit-wise not ^ bit-wise exclusive or ARITHMETIC EXPRESSION: $(( )) echo "Only $(( (365-$(date +%j)) / 7 )) weeks until the New Year" KEYWORD VARIABLES BASH_ENV startup file path INPUTRC readline start default CDPATH 'cd' searchpath LANG locale default COLUMNS width of display LC_* locale categories FCEDIT default fc editor LINES height of display HISTFILE history list path MAIL mail pathname HISTSIZE max hist entries MAILCHECK how often, in seconds HOME user default dir MAILPATH :-separated list for mail IFS field separators PATH :-separated list for cmds and many, many more SUBSTITUTION OPERATORS ${#varname} returns the length of varname ${varname:-word} returns word if varname is undefined ${varname:=word} sets varname to word if varname is undefined ${varname:+word} returns word if varname exists and isn't null, otherwise returns null ${varname:?message} prints varname and message and aborts command if varname is undefined ${varname:offset(:length) returns parts of strings beginning at offset for the specified length (default s total) special circumstance: when varname is "@", length means number of positional parameters starting at positional parameter offset PATTERN MATCHING ${variable#pattern} if pattern matches beginning of variable's value delete shortest part that matches, return rest ${variable##pattern} if pattern matches beginning of variable's value delete longest part that matches, return rest ${variable%pattern} if pattern matches end of variable's value delete shortest part that matches, return rest ${variable%%pattern} if pattern matches end of variable's value delete longest part that matches, return rest ${variable/pattern/string} longest match to pattern in variable is replaced by string (first match only) ${variable//pattern/string} longest match to pattern in variable is replaced by string (all possible matches) for the two latter: if pattern begins with #, match must be at beginning of variable; if pattern begins with %, match must be at end of variable if string is null, matches are deleted if variable is @ or *, operation is applied to each positional parameter in turn for variable Path with value /home/me/book/long.file.name : ${Path##/*/} long.file.name ${Path#/*/} me/book/long.file.name $Path /home/me/book/long.file.name ${Path%.*} /home/me/book/long.file ${Path%%.*} /home/me/book/long CONTROL KEY USAGE ('stty -a' gives complete list) Cntl-C cancel current comand (first try) Cntl-\ cancel current command (second try) Cntl-L clear the screen Cntl-D end of input Cntl-? erase last character Cntl-W erase last word Cntl-U erase entire command line Cntl-O flush Cntl-S halt output to screen Cntl-V next line Cntl-R reprint Cntl-Y restart current command Cntl-Q restart output to screen Cntl-M return Cntl-Z suspend current command PROMPT STRINGS PS1 primary prompt string default "\s-\v\$" PS2 secondary prompt string default ">" PS3 selection menu p.s. default "#?" PS4 debug prompt string default "+" per level of expansion PROMPT STRING CUSTOMIZATIONS \a ASCII bell character (007) \H hostname \e ASCII escape key (033) \h hostname up to the first "." \d date as Weekday Month Day \T time in 12-hr HH:MM:SS \n carriage return, line feed \t time in 24-hr HH:MM:SS \s shell name \@ time in HH:MM am/pm \u username \v version of bash \w working directory \V version, patchlevel of bash \W basename of working directory \# command number \$ root as #, user as $ \! history number \nnn character code in octal \\ backslash \[ begin non-printing characters \] end non-printing characters FREQUENTLY USED REGULAR EXPRESSIONS city, state zip '^.*, [A-Z][A-Z] [0-9]{5}-[0-9]{4} ' month, day, year '[A-Z][a-z]\{3,9\} [0-9]\{1,2}, [0-9]\{4\}' soc-sec-number '[0-9]\{3\}-[0-9]\{2\}-[0-9]\{4\}' telephone number '[0-9]\{3\}-[0-9]\{3\}-[0-9]\{4\}' dollars and cents '\$ [0-9]*\.[0-9]\{2\} blank line '^$' an entire line '^.*$' one or more spaces ' *' for best results, invoke bash with the --posix option CONTROL FLOW if condition-1 ; then case test-string in {statement-block-1} pattern1 ) {statements elif condition-2 ; then using $expression} ;; {statement-block-2} pattern2 ) {more statements} ;; else {statement-block-n} * ) {error processing} ;; fi esac for loop-index (in list) select name in list; do do {statements using $name} {statements using $name} done done while condition until condition do do {statement-block} {statement-block} done done default list is $@ condition for 'while', 'until' checked at top of loop 'break','continue' valid in 'for', 'while', 'until' lopps VARIABLES ALWAYS AVAILABLE WITHIN A SCRIPT $0 script name $1 first passed parameter $* all parameters but $0 $2 second passed parameter $# number of tokens in $* $n nth passed parameter $? exit status of a command $$ process id $@ quoted passed parameters ("$1","$2",...) and all keyword parms USER-DEFINED VARIABLES assign a value: variable=value echo $variable -> value remove a value: variable= echo "$variable" -> value remove a variable: unset variable echo '$variable' -> $variable use the value: $variable echo \$variable -> $variable assign an attribute: declare -attribute variable remove an attribute: declare +attribute variable attributes include -a array -f function -i integer -r readonly -x export multiple attributes per variable may occur in a single command ORDER OF COMMAND-LINE TRANSFORMATION brace expansion tilde expansion parameter expansion variable expansion command substitution arithmetic expansion word-splitting filename/pathname expansion transformation is triggered by & ; / * ? ' " ` [] () $ <> {} ^ # /\ % ~ '#! /bin/bash' identifies bash as the scripting language '#! /bin/sed' identifies sed as the scripting language '#! /bin/gawk' identifies gawk as the scripting language these must be first characters on first line of the script 'grep -c string filename' will give a count of occurences of string within the file 'diff oldfile newfile' shows unique oldfile lines with < and unique newfile lines with > 'xxd' will give a hex dump, or reverse it; -E gives ebcdic to the right 'exit' will collapse a shell; to check for return status > 0, execute script from a secondary shell: 'bash scriptname' \X'nn ' is marker for hex value of an ASCII character