date of class
website's post due date
(end of day)
required filename
where assigned:
introduction 9/3 9/10 introduction.txt
binary math 9/8 9/13 sums.txt
assembly language 9/17 9/22 n/a ("disassembly" automatically created)
variation on fig. 1.4 9/23 9/29 device-io.jpg
caching 10/2 10/9 caching.jpg
3+2=5 in debugger 10/8 10/14
wasting time 10/17 10/22 timewasters.jpg
unpredictable order 10/22 10/27 multifork.jpg
process scheduling 10/30 11/4 scheduling.txt
process states 10/30 11/8 process-states.jpg
peterson's algorithm 11/10 11/21 petersons4.c
buddy system 11/22 11/30 buddy.jpg
address translation 11/22 11/30 pageaddr.txt
page replacement 12/1 12/10 pagerepl.jpg
analyzing a filesystem 12/1 12/10 filesystem.jpg